Key storage devices (Tokens, Smart Cards, OTP, Biometry)
Generally key storage device is a device storing sensitive information in its memory. Such storages can be of different form-factors:
- smart cards;
- USB-keys;
- contactless smart cards;
- one-time password generators.
The technologies best known and well-proven in this area at Russian market are smart cards of common or USB form-factor and one-time password generators.
Contact smart cards
Architecture of smart cards developed by different vendors has typical structure (RFC):
As the scheme shows, device memory has three areas:
- System memory – memory area storing operating system, file system and software required for validating input information.
- Open memory – memory area storing information that can be accessed to without PIN. This information includes data about smart card, its name, free space, etc.
- Locked memory – memory area that can be accessed to only after PIN input.
For interaction with processor APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit) commands are used.